VOA Resources SAS CHIRALITY The Society for Applied Spectroscopy (SAS) Chirality Section holds Chirality-themed symposia, with emphasis on VOA, at the FACSS sponsored meetings (https://facss.org) – specifically SciX conference: The next symposia is scheduled for the October 2020 meeting organized why Drs. Shengli Ma and Rina Dukor – https://scixconference.org UPDATE: Due to COVID-19 the FACSS conference will be virtual; the next Symposia will take place in 2021. Please join us. To become a member of SAS – please click here https://www.s-a-s.org/sas/join/index.html?action=sas&sas_activity=membership To learn more about SAS chirality section click here: SASChirality.org – a Society-for-Applied Spectroscopy section dedicated to networking, symposia and everything chirality.